Rss::Blocks 0.2
a codeblocks plugin that shows rss feeds

rssblocks::RssBlocksPlugin Class Reference

Rss::Blocks plugin class. More...

#include <rssblocks.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 RssBlocksPlugin ()
virtual ~RssBlocksPlugin ()
virtual int Configure ()
virtual int GetConfigurationPriority () const
virtual int GetConfigurationGroup () const
virtual cbConfigurationPanel * GetConfigurationPanel (wxWindow *parent)
virtual void BuildMenu (wxMenuBar *menuBar)
virtual void BuildModuleMenu (const ModuleType type, wxMenu *menu, const FileTreeData *data=0)
virtual bool BuildToolBar (wxToolBar *toolBar)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void OnAttach ()
virtual void OnRelease (bool appShutDown)

Detailed Description

Rss::Blocks plugin class.

This is the where this plugin starts running

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

rssblocks::RssBlocksPlugin::RssBlocksPlugin ( )



Called by Code::Blocks PluginManager

rssblocks::RssBlocksPlugin::~RssBlocksPlugin ( ) [virtual]



Does nothing

Member Function Documentation

void rssblocks::RssBlocksPlugin::BuildMenu ( wxMenuBar *  menuBar) [virtual]

This method is called by Code::Blocks and is used by the plugin to add any menu items it needs on Code::Blocks's menu bar.
It is a pure virtual method that needs to be implemented by all plugins. If the plugin does not need to add items on the menu, just do nothing ;)

menuBarthe wxMenuBar to create items in
void rssblocks::RssBlocksPlugin::BuildModuleMenu ( const ModuleType  type,
wxMenu *  menu,
const FileTreeData *  data = 0 
) [virtual]

Not supported

bool rssblocks::RssBlocksPlugin::BuildToolBar ( wxToolBar *  toolBar) [virtual]

Not supported

int rssblocks::RssBlocksPlugin::Configure ( ) [virtual]
virtual int rssblocks::RssBlocksPlugin::GetConfigurationGroup ( ) const [inline, virtual]
virtual cbConfigurationPanel* rssblocks::RssBlocksPlugin::GetConfigurationPanel ( wxWindow *  parent) [inline, virtual]

Return plugin's configuration panel.

parentThe parent window.
A pointer to the plugin's cbConfigurationPanel. It is deleted by the caller.
virtual int rssblocks::RssBlocksPlugin::GetConfigurationPriority ( ) const [inline, virtual]
void rssblocks::RssBlocksPlugin::OnAttach ( ) [protected, virtual]

Any descendent plugin should override this virtual method and perform any necessary initialization. This method is called by Code::Blocks (PluginManager actually) when the plugin has been loaded and should attach in Code::Blocks. When Code::Blocks starts up, it finds and loads all plugins but does not activate (attaches) them. It then activates all plugins that the user has selected to be activated on start-up.
This means that a plugin might be loaded but not activated...
Think of this method as the actual constructor...

void rssblocks::RssBlocksPlugin::OnRelease ( bool  appShutDown) [protected, virtual]

Any descendent plugin should override this virtual method and perform any necessary de-initialization. This method is called by Code::Blocks (PluginManager actually) when the plugin has been loaded, attached and should de-attach from Code::Blocks.
Think of this method as the actual destructor...

appShutDownIf true, the application is shutting down. In this case *don't* use Manager::Get()->Get...() functions or the behaviour is undefined...

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